The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!
A Little Bundle of...Budweiser?

While we Americans have been able to saddle our little ones with whatever weird name pops into our heads (hello Apple, Knox, and Pilot Inspektor), the Swedes haven’t been able to enjoy that sweet privilege—until now! The country’s tax authority just announced that parents are free to name their children after anything from fast food chains and rock bands to their favorite brand of beer. Woohoo!
The move should come as welcome news for Swedish citizens, who have long had to have their baby names approved by the tax authority, which keeps track of the population registry and issues personal identification numbers (much like our Social Security numbers). Over the years parents have fought the department over the right to give their children such monikers as Metallica, Lego, Ikea, Elvis (for a girl), and Budweiser.
But there are still some guidelines in place: authorities won’t allow parents to give children swear words for names—and don’t even think about God, Allah or Devil.
Do you think the crazy baby name trend has gotten out of control, or do you find it refreshing? You can even look up some unique names at, and then share your favorites with us!