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Celebulous Cravings

Pizza and pickles and mayonnaise. OK, you loved them all before. But now you need them all together.
Ahhh, the tales of pregnant cravings. We could probably write an entire book of the bizarre combinations or foods that make our hearts and bellies swoon when pregnant. But have you ever wondered what your favorite famous mommy-to-be is craving? After all, the rest of their lives are oh-so-glamorous. Caviar, perhaps?
Nah—except for maybe Angelina Jolie, who craved a $60 million French estate—and leased it for three years! Jessica Alba (who gave birth to Honor Marie on Saturday) substituted her love of coffee with a near addiction to lemonade. Jamie Lynn Spears is loving chocolate milk. But the most unusual craving is Minnie Driver’s olive and cheese sandwiches. Blech. Or, yum! We don’t judge.
Tell us what you can’t live without right now! [USA Today]