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Robin Elise Weiss

Robin Elise Weiss

Author of several pregnancy books and mother of seven

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Kip Kozlowski

Certified nurse-midwife and founder of the Greenhouse Birth...

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Don't Mind the Neighbors

Don't Mind the Neighbors

For those pregnant ladies who are a little nervous about giving birth, rest assured that when the big moment finally arrives, your natural instincts will kick in fast.  Case in point: Jessica Higgins of Fullerton, CA.  She was driving home from the mall last week when her little bundle of joy decided to make a surprise appearance—six weeks early!  The 36 year-old called 911, but by the time police arrived, she was already standing in the driveway cradling little Mary Claire, who was still attached to the placenta. 

Also on hand for the delivery drama: Higgins’ two year-old son, who was sleeping in the backseat of the car when all this went down.  And dad?  Well, he arrived just in time to cut the baby’s umbilical cord under the front-yard ficus tree.
Luckily, mother and baby are doing fine.  And Mary Claire has a wild story to tell her friends a few years from now!
Find out more about childbirth at Babycenter.com.  Then tell us: What are you planning for your delivery?  Will you be ordering up an epidural or trying to go au natural?  [AP]

Posted: 8/22/08