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Don't Paint the House!

Sick of everyone telling you what you can’t do while you’re pregnant? You betcha. But we think you’d rather play it safe than sorry.
The latest item to add to your list of “don’ts” is painting…as in the nursery or your house. Let the grandparents, friends or your hubby do it, but you might want to steer clear. But before you do any painting of any kind (yes, painting on a canvas counts), talk to a doctor.
If you are the only person that is available for the painting, always keep the area well-ventilated, and protect your face with a mask and your body with proper clothing. Avoid latex paints with dangerous chemicals and only paint in for short amounts of time spread out over several days.
And if you paint for artistic purposes, lean on your good friend: watercolors…we think you’ll be OK. Just don’t drink from the water cup! [U.S. News and World Report]