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Our Being Pregnant Experts

Robin Elise Weiss

Robin Elise Weiss

Author of several pregnancy books and mother of seven

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Kip Kozlowski

Kip Kozlowski

Certified nurse-midwife and founder of the Greenhouse Birth...

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Ann Douglas

Ann Douglas

Author of 28 books on pregnancy and motherhood

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Preggy Veggies

If you’re a vegetarian, you may be concerned about how your dietary choices are affecting your growing baby.  Are you getting enough protein?  What’s the best source of iron for you?  Are the B vitamins really only found in meat and fish? You don’t want to change your lifestyle or let go of your beliefs, but you want a healthy baby more than anything.  Don’t worry.  Babycenter.com shows you how to stay healthy.

Posted: 12/17/07