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Robin Elise Weiss

Robin Elise Weiss

Author of several pregnancy books and mother of seven

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Kip Kozlowski

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What's In A Name?

While you’re waiting for baby to make an appearance, you’ve probably given him a nickname like Spud, Bean or It. Those probably aren’t going to look too good on a resume—or help him get a date —so it’s time to think about a real name.

A recent survey in London shows that the average parent-to-be spends 45 hours on choosing a baby name, and that one in three believe that the right name can boost a child’s confidence and help them succeed in business and life. In the UK, popular names for girls are Grace, Ruby and Olivia. For boys, people love Jack, Thomas and Oliver.

Beats the heck out of naming your kid Apple, we suppose. Are you poring over baby-name books during your pregnancy? Tell us what names you love and why! [Yahoo! News]

Posted: 4/18/08