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WWJD (What Would Juno Do?)

WWJD (What Would Juno Do?)

Everybody over the age of 13 (and younger these days) knows how to get pregnant. But how to actually be a parent is not quite as …apparent.

Which is why Rockland County (NY) Legislator Jacques Michel is requesting that state lawmakers make parenting classes mandatory for prospective newlyweds. Really. He argues that everyone who wants to drive a car needs to get a license, so the same should hold true for the handling of something far more precious. It makes sense in theory, but would it really hold up?

Critics to Michel’s notion point out that many married people don’t have children, and many people who have children don’t get married. So perhaps these kinds of classes should be mandatory at a younger age – say, high school? We're not sure that would happen, given the fact that so many states don't even want to teach kids about safe sex, let alone admit they could become parents. Other opponents worry about who would determine the voice of authority on child rearing, as there are of course many differing opinions on how to raise a child.

Do you think that we should go to parenting school and get degrees before we bring life into this world? Or do you think this notion renders too much invasive authority to the powers that be? [LoHud.com]

Posted: 5/13/08