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Our Being Pregnant Experts

Robin Elise Weiss

Robin Elise Weiss

Author of several pregnancy books and mother of seven

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Kip Kozlowski

Kip Kozlowski

Certified nurse-midwife and founder of the Greenhouse Birth...

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Ann Douglas

Ann Douglas

Author of 28 books on pregnancy and motherhood

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Got A Tip?


Accept the help you can get


As women we're used to taking care of it all, but as a new mom you can be really tired and overwhelmed by everything you need to do and be present for. 

And while no one can beat mommy for the tender loving care given to baby, it's good to accept help from family and friends and get out for an hour or two when you can.

You'll feel refreshed and it will be good to remember that your life is fuller and richer because you make time to do things you really love in addition to spending time taking care of your new baby.  

Shared by bstarr on 4/30/08