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Robin Elise Weiss

Robin Elise Weiss

Author of several pregnancy books and mother of seven

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Kip Kozlowski

Kip Kozlowski

Certified nurse-midwife and founder of the Greenhouse Birth...

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Ann Douglas

Author of 28 books on pregnancy and motherhood

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Aquarobics can ease labor pains


If you're looking for a way to make labor less painful (and what pregnant woman isn't?), you might want to hit the pool asap. A new study says that doing aquarobics during pregnancy can reduce the amount of pain-killing medication requested by women during labor.

During the study, only 27 percent of women in the aquarobics group requested pain-relieveing drugs, compared to the 65 percent of women that didn't use this form of exercise. The study's authors believe the results are due to the fact that exercise better prepares a woman mentally and physically for labor and delivery.

Shared by lindad14 on 11/21/08