"I liked your article in AdAge. I have friends who need to be exposed to your writings: these may be stressful times, but they have a purpose as a catalyst for change." -Brian
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Our Being Pregnant Experts

Robin Elise Weiss

Robin Elise Weiss

Author of several pregnancy books and mother of seven

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Kip Kozlowski

Kip Kozlowski

Certified nurse-midwife and founder of the Greenhouse Birth...

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Ann Douglas

Ann Douglas

Author of 28 books on pregnancy and motherhood

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What to expect


Many pregnant women have read the book What to Expect When You're Expecting. It's helped prepare lots of women and their mates for their nine month journey together.

Never thought you'd crave pickles? Can't believe how your feet have grown? 

What's one thing you weren't expecting to happen to you during your pregnancy?

Shared by VictoriaB on 3/8/08