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MJ Acharya

MJ Acharya

Author, blogger and healer of broken hearts

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Mike Riley

Co-author of How To Heal A Broken Heart In 30 Days

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Melissa Kantor

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Question:My boyfriend and I have been together for 1.5 years. I am a single mom of a 2 year old from a previous relationship. My question is. He really wants to meet my parents and ever time i go to put a meeting together some how or way my parents find a way to c

Asked by muskokagal on 7/24/08 1 Answer»


My parents have known each other now for 60 years..and her parents were not keen on her being with my Dad. Through friends they corresponded through letters sent to friends and retrieved by my mother, and kept their relationship a secret for many years. My mother eventually confessed to her Mother and said that she had never lied to her before, and though was used to as the youngest of six children, being told to a certain degree by all the elders above her, she found the strength to learn to stand up for what she truly wanted in life..and that was my Dad..3 children later, 60 years later, and now a Grandmother in her 80's, still happily married to as she would say "the first boy I could ever really talk to" the two of them are still talking, sharing deeply their commitments and love. My mother looks back and sees how this challenge with her parents disapproval gave her one of the greatest gifts of her life - to learn how to blossom into an independent thinking and acting young woman. It was hard for her, but she rose to the challenge for love and my Dad's bright smile, inner and outer of which I am a product. They were and are still and truly radiant couple. It is great your boyfriend is so into you he wants to meet your parents. It would be nice if they supported you, but my story shows that you will both find a way regardless if that is what you both find is in your hearts. Best of luck to you both!

Answered by: connectionscount on 7/25/08
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