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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!


When you buy your new car, you might want to show it off by ordering yourself some expressive vanity plates. Creative combinations like HOT BENZ or 18A 4RE (*ten bonus points for anyone who can name the 90's television character who had the latter on his Corvette) could make a real statement, don't you think?

However, thousands of license plate holders in North Carolina had no intention of making a statement with the common text message lingo on the back of their cars. The state's DMV had unknowingly issued about 10,000 plates with the unfortunate letter combination, "WTF," which stands for "What the $%@." The drivers were issued new plates free of charge.

"I can't believe it," DMV Commissioner Bill Gore told the News and Observer. "Obviously, I didn't know it was there." The reporter didn't mention whether or not Mr. Gore was giggling like a schoolboy while he made his apology. Truly, it is pretty funny that we've become so sensitive to acronyms—wonder if anyone actually wanted to keep their culturally-relevant plates?

If you're still inspired to put some personality on your plates, here's a list of creative ideas that have been approved across the country:

AARRR – A Virginia Jeep owner chose a pirate theme, including a giant pirate flag on the spare tire case.

NOT OJ – The Michigan owner wanted to distinguish his white Ford Bronco from the infamous one.

ICU2COP – This Arizona Celica is sure to get plenty of traffic stops!

0MPG – The owner of the New York Hummer couldn't have said it better.

*The answer to our earlier question: Steve Sanders from Beverly Hills 90210.

Posted: 6/27/08