Time Out!
You really should be working on that report. Is there anything in the fridge for dinner? Don’t forget to pick up the cake. The gift—oh, no! Can you even make it to Susie’s conference by 2:00?
Stop yelling! (Was that out loud?)
Our lives are way too busy. Go, go, go. Do, do, do. And, we wonder why we can’t concentrate or sleep at night? Because there’s a mob of nagging little interruptions in our brains. And, we let them in.
Control the chaos with time-outs. (Hey, they work for 3-year-olds.) Every so often, carve out a few minutes of alone time and reflect on the big picture—your dreams, goals, sense of well-being, etc. Clearing away the clutter of your everyday life will help you gain a better understanding of what is—and what is not—truly important. Everything else is just, well, unreal.