Take five and meditate.
People who don’t meditate tend to get weirded out by the whole thing. They think you sit on the floor for hours chanting mantras. Or that you’ll become a Buddhist monk. (And some people do.) But for most people, meditation is just a way to relax, clear their minds and create inner peace. Try it and see for yourself.
Too busy? Try the express version: For five minutes, close your eyes and focus solely on your breathing. Or take a walk and focus your attention on each step. Try to clear your mind of all thoughts and just be.
If you have more time, sit for 20 or 30 minutes (or longer) and feel yourself unwind as you connect with your calm, inner self.
Among other health benefits, meditation can decrease stress and anxiety, boost the immune system and help fight chronic diseases. For more info, check out the First30Days of Meditating and feel the calm.