Dear Old Dad.

I love you, Dad, really. But frankly, I love Mom just a little bit more. I mean, you can clearly see, I call her way more than I call you.
Of course you don’t love Mom more than Dad. It’s just that—well, it’s always been easier to talk to her. And that’s fine (and totally typical—researchers have found that while most women keep in close contact with their mothers, they talk to their dads less regularly), but it’s important to let Dad know that he holds a special place in your heart, too.
So ladies, this Father’s Day, which—hey, whaddya know?—just happens to be today, call your pop (or stepdad, granddad or other important guy in your life). While you’re at it, plan to call next Sunday, too... and maybe the one after that…
Hey guys, you aren’t getting off the hook that easy. Start making some calls.
I agree...I don't call and talk to my dad as much as my mom but that doesn't mean that I love my mom more than my dad. My mom is just easier to talk to and she's understand my feelings more because she's a woman like me. No matter what I treat both my parents the same way. I could never love one more than the other regardless of anything.