Say It Loud, Say It Proud.

We’re all afraid of something. Death, snakes, a visit from your mother-in-law, running out of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey—scary stuff. But the number one fear reported by people in the U.S. is…
…the idea of making a presentation in public.
That’s according to Paul L. Witt, PhD, assistant professor of communication studies at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, TX. And not just full-blown speeches. This fear tends to come up any time people have to present their ideas to others.
What are we, scaredy cats? We say it’s time to look fear in the eye and laugh at public speaking. There are plenty of resources out there waiting to help. Toastmasters has clubs across the U.S. that help people feel more comfortable in front of an audience.
If all else fails, just pull a Marcia Brady and picture the audience in their underwear.
I have an extreme case of this but have learned to keep in under control as I get older. I try very hard to remember at the end of the day the people who are around you are very much like me with common goals. For some reason that keeps me calmer.