Rapunzel, Rapunzel...

Got hair and lots of it? Let’s get serious for a minute and imagine what it would be like to have little to none due to long-term medical hair loss. You’d feel a bit—well, different from everyone else, especially if you were a child. You’d probably want to buy a wig—one made out of real hair, like your own, as opposed to the plastic, doll kind.
Do you know where they get the hair to make such beautiful wigs? From people like you. Put your hair—or your daughter’s, if she’s willing— in a ponytail, and if you have at least 10 inches to cut off, it’s long enough to donate to Locks of Love or Pantene Beautiful Lengths.
If it’s not long enough, use the summer to start growing it out. Hot weather styles like ponytails, casual up-dos and beach-blown looks lend themselves to fewer haircuts anyway.