Can't Get No...Job Satisfaction

Okay, show of hands, who loves their job—as in, you jump out of bed in the morning and can’t wait to get to work?
More likely, you’re among the large percentage of Americans that, according to a recent Gallup Poll, are only somewhat satisfied with their current jobs. Somewhat? Is that good enough? Would you stay in a relationship that was "somewhat" satisfying? Or work on a college degree that you "kind of enjoyed?"
Don’t settle. If you’re not sure you’re on the right path, do something about it and make your dream job a reality. Make a list of all the things you love and don’t love at your current job. It might inspire you to ask for changes. If your “don’t love” list is longer than you expected, spend some time with a career counselor taking skill assessment tests or researching other careers that interest you.
Make it your mission to find something you love to do. You spend way too much of your life working to settle for “somewhat satisfied.” Agreed?
Having a job you love I guess is somewhat more rare these days I think because the pace is faster, what you need to know is broader and much more stress. I am an ICU RN and LOVE my job. I know that this is where I was intended to be from the time I started school. Thank goodness they didn't rely on SAT's "back in the day" because they would have told me my math and science scores were too low. Fortunately for me there is much much more to being a good RN than that. Next to raising my daughter, nursing has always been a real PASSION for me. We all are on a growth pattern as we go through life and sometimes we need to sit back and reflect on where our lives are headed and whether we need to make some adjustments. It makes me think of airplane pilots that are given course adjustments as they prepare to land a plane. I think we all get to make adjustments to our lives and careers as we progress along in life. Sometimes we are ready and willing to accept the change, and other times we fight it. Being optimistic is not always the easiest thing to do in the midst of change, but it sure makes it alot smoother and easier. Stay hopeful and determined to try something new especially if what you're doing now has become "stale". Look for the rainbow in your life after the storm!