Regift This

You’re a master at finding gifts that keep on giving. Just last week, you watched in horror as your best friend opened the platter you gave to Marsha, who obviously gave it to her mother-in-law, who now, unbeknownst to her, was passing it on yet a third time right in front of you.
So now, here you are again, wandering aimlessly around the mall destined to purchase yet another unique but meaningless gift.
Forget the mall and purchase a gift that actually gives twice—once to that special someone and again to charity. Here are some ideas to get you started:
The Simmons Jewelry Co. Green Bracelet, made of malachite and rough diamond in Africa, gives at least $20 of its $125 purchase price to the Diamond Empowerment Fund. This international non-profit organization is one of many committed to the empowerment and education of African communities.
Donate to the charity: water September Campaign in honor of a friend or loved one born in September (the month of founder Scott Harrison's birth.) All money will go to building clean-water wells in Ethiopia. If you're worried that your gift doesn't come with anything tangible, don't be—your friend can create their own birthday page on the charity: water web site and get donations from all their friends. If that's not a feel good gift, we don't know what is!
We bet your pals will like that a bit better than that CorningWare lasagna dish from Aunt Kay you put in the regift pile, and you'll feel happy about it too. If you've got an idea for a gift that keeps on giving, share it with us!