More Pencils, More Books, More Parents' Dirty Looks

Remember that back-to-school commercial with the dad dancing around Staples to the tune of “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year?” If only your wallet felt like dancing right about now. To keep the rising costs of school supplies down, try to avoid office-supply stores and remember these tips:
1. Think big.
Stock up on binders, highlighters and other classroom needs at warehouses or value retailers like Wal-Mart, Target or Costco. Local drugstores and supermarkets will usually sock it to you on these convenience purchases.
2. Avoid the campus store.
For dorm necessities, stick to the stores mentioned above or retailers like Bed, Bath & Beyond (and don’t forget your coupon.) For university apparel, try your local Steve & Barry’s or shop Modell’s online for college team gear.
3. Two words: Student discount.
High tech supplies like software can get expensive. Keep a valid student ID handy and you could save up to 75%.
Remember, school (and life) isn’t about what you have, but what you do. So even if they whine and cry (or throw a collegiate fit), remind them it’s not just about the new gear—it's about what you learn. And if that fails? There's always an after-school job that can pay for all the extras they just can't live without.
To try and help cut down cost of college textbooks,you can try: Link for a comparison of online book resellers. Hey, every little bit helps!