Catch Your Beliefs Red-Handed

If you want to lose weight, change careers or make some other significant change in your life, look no further than your mind. Not in terms of having enough willpower, but about your beliefs.
Ideas about who we are and how things should be are often the biggest roadblocks to change. Before you can make any progress, you need to uncover and work through your underlying beliefs to help make change easier.
If you believe deep down, I’ll always be overweight like my parents, losing weight becomes that much harder. Without even knowing it, you’ll sabotage your weight loss efforts before you begin.
In the same way, believing I’m worthless without a job will make going through a layoff or initiating a career change that much harder. Your beliefs, not the actual circumstances, will make you miserable.
To read more on the influence beliefs have on change, check out The First 30 Days: Your Guide to Any Life Change. Then write down the beliefs that are holding you back. Face them and know they can be overcome. How will you change your perception today?