Nature's Anti-Agers

We all want to look younger, just not badly enough to go through excruciating, appearance-altering procedures. Instead, we spend a small fortune on anti-aging creams and expect miracles.
And why not? They work on TV…
Meanwhile, hundreds of studies support the age-defying effects of various foods. Certainly, eating your way to a younger appearance is worth a try. This month, set aside those creams and try incorporating a few of these age defying foods into your diet (listed in no particular order):
Greens—particularly spinach and other dark, leafy greens
Berries—particularly blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and cranberries
Apples—Red Delicious, Granny Smith and Gala
Red Grapes
Whole Grains
Nuts—particularly almonds, pecans and walnuts
Olive Oil
These foods are high in all sorts of healthy stuff like cancer-fighting anti-oxidants, heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, weight-management friendly fiber or all three. To learn more about the anti-aging qualities of these foods and others, check out this WebMD article.
Considering how good all of these foods are for you, you’ve got nothing to lose (except maybe your best “friend” behind the cosmetics counter). Change the inside, and outside changes will follow.
Do you have any recipes that include some of these foods? Share your healthy living recipes with us!