Unleash Your Inner Dave

When you hear about a top 10 list, the first thing that usually comes to mind is, of course, David Letterman.
(Unless you live under a rock or don't watch TV, in which case go to The Late Show and start reading.)
You don't always need a talk-show host to guide you—whenever you want to feel happier, grab a pen and paper and make a top 10 list of your own. For example, you might list your top 10 outstanding qualities, the top 10 things to love about an empty nest or the top 10 reasons to stay unemployed.
You don’t need to be as funny as our friend Dave, although imagining his voice reading your list keeps it entertaining (Number 10… number 9…) The main thing is to keep it positive. Because let's face it: The only thing standing between you and pure happiness is sometimes your mindset.
Share some of your top ten with us! We've got top ten lists of our own floating around here, including the top ten reasons we love our work (natch.)
Number 10 is my favorite on that list Top Ten list! Hooray for pie season.
Top Ten Reasons I'm Glad Summer Is Over
1. The cooler weather!
2. Quieter house from not running the AC 24/7.
3. Fall TV shows coming back (yay, Office and 30 Rock!)
4. The leaves changing colors.
5. Scarves and wool coats!
6. New school year.
7. Not having to ice my coffee anymore.
8. Goodbye shorts!
9. Hello blazers!
10. The holidays = millions of chances to eat pie.
Top ten reasons to be grateful!