Sell Yourself Long

Hey, Mr. Interviewer, watch this. And lookit what else I can do. Hey, no fair—you weren’t looking. Are you looking now? How ‘bout now?
Whether you’re a recent college grad, changing careers or looking to moonlight, unleash your inner, pain-in-the-neck child and show off every last talent you’ve got. In today’s competitive market, you need to sell yourself from head to toe.
Even if you’ve been an accountant for thirty years, you’re selling yourself short if you limit your search (and resume) to accounting jobs. There’s more to you than meets the eye. Maybe you’re a research guru, a software master or the Switzerland of your office and friends with everyone. Whatever your talents, show those hiring managers how valuable you are across the board.
Don’t be shy about branding yourself! Commit to revealing new aspects of your professional and personal self. There’s so much to be gained!
And like those computer "personality" test are a true picture of who I am. My 20 yr old daughter has taken those things over and over again for the last few years and can not get a job at one of those retailers. You can't get an interview without "passing" one of those tests. Do people not rely on "gut instint" anymore when hiring someone?
I think we need a new way of assessing people. Resumes are so unrevealing. Wouldn't it be great if we could go back to more in-person interviews.