Don't Run, Walk Calmly to Your Nearest Goal

Eat right, get enough sleep, exercise, breathe… everywhere you look, there’s more advice. Rather than getting totally stressed out striving for perfection, sit back, relax and enjoy the “good enough” ride.
Not that you should give up, but when you’re making life changes, a baby step is good enough--for now anyway--and certainly a healthy improvement from where you started.
If you’re getting six hours of sleep and experts recommend eight, shoot for seven. If you’ve started exercising, aim for three times a week, not five. Moving partway toward a goal will motivate you to keep moving in the right direction.
Today, set a “good enough” goal for yourself and vow to reach it. Get seven hours of sleep, drink four glasses of water, eat three servings of fruits and vegetables or take a baby step towards some other long-term goal. Take off the pressure, and your progress will start to soar.
How true! I sometimes get so stressed worrying about doing ALL the right things that I don't give myself credit for the things I do get done.
This couldn't come at a better time for my life. Every big goal has little steps and goals and it's easy to forget and feel overwhelmed. Thank you for reminding me that any movement is good and sometimes good enouh is much better than perfection!
I think you have to be realistic when you are setting goals... best laid plans and all ... if you set a reasonable goal and meet it, you can stretch yourself a little further the next time with greater confidence.
IMHO, whether you take baby-steps or jump into a change with both feet, it all comes down to commitment. Whatever you decide to do - you have to do it. No matter what. ;-)