Home of the Free

If you're running low on cash (and with all that is going on, who isn't?), try taking advantage of free samples to stretch your budget a little further.
We at First30Days have been on a budget, too, and we've been taking advantage of samples all around town! Some of our faves are:
- Grabbing free samples of foundation, moisturizer, perfume, eyeshadow and almost any item in Sephora. They also do your makeup for free—great to keep in mind for a big date or night out.
- Enjoying ourselves at greenmarkets by chowing down on apple slices, muffin bits, berries and fresh veggies. Plus we get to try new things!
- Instead of buying all those great books we just can’t live without, we've been getting them for free by rediscovering our local libraries. We also score groovy CDs and cool movies, too—all gratis. (Just remember to bring them back on time!)
For more free samples and freebies check out sites like Fatwallet.com/forums/free-stuff and Totallyfreestuff.com. And for more ideas on stretching (or making) your budget, be sure to visit our 30 days of Frugal Living tips!
Posted: 10/7/08
«Previous Tip 10/6/08
10/8/08 Next Tip»
Totallyfreestuff.com makes you take a ton of quizzes and surveys, but if you have the time it is totally worth it. They have some great deals.
I pick up free dog food samples at the pet stores in my neighborhood. My dog gets to try new brands and the small bags are good for our weekend trips away.
Or, you can just eat off the dollar menu at your local fast-food restaurant.