Dream a Little Dream

The summer wind… came blowin’ in… from across the—
[Record needle scratch.]
Oops, wrong season. Sorry, Frank. Unfortunately the summer wind has come and gone--we know that because colorful leaves are clogging up gutters across the land. But look on the bright side. Whatever happened this summer is now in the past.
Fall marks the start of a new school year. Why shouldn’t it represent new beginnings for everyone? Buckle down, put your nose to the grindstone--or the Help Wanted section, the real estate listings or divorce court--and think seriously about the changes you’ve been dreaming about.
Today, take one small step towards change by figuring out what’s holding you back. Compare your behavior with that of people who tend to follow through at First30days.com/ariane/show/how-to-follow-through.html and see if you find some answers.
We're not like these people, but we have lots to learn from them. What changes have you been dreaming to make happen?