Seasonal Stockpiling

In the past, we’ve discussed the benefits of eating seasonal foods. They tend to be grown locally, meaning they’re allowed to ripen longer and taste fresher. Less time between picking and eating also means a higher concentration of nutrients.
Hey, maybe that’ll convince the kids to eat more of those vegetables.
Depending on where you live, fall offers an abundance of seasonal produce, from squashes and sweet potatoes to figs and pomegranates. Check your local farm stands for a selection of fresh vegetables from your region.
As we approach colder weather, white veggies are in abundance. According to Yahoo! Health’s Dr. Mao, cauliflower, cabbage and turnips all contain isothiocynates, which support the immune system and help protect us against cancer. Garlic, with its numerous health benefits, is also plentiful (and makes a great vampire repellent).
Stock up and give your immune system and overall health the boost it needs this time of year to help you live healthier.
Onions are also good for you and a staple for cooking. Onions contain flavinoids and have also been shown to raise HDL (the good cholesterol) that helps reduce blood pressure.