Nobody's Perfect

If you’ve ever wanted to impress your boss or wow your lover, you know how anxiety-provoking setting high standards for yourself can be. But imagine living this way all the time. Is it any wonder perfectionists are at such high risk for developing anxiety and depression?
Striving for perfection leaves you feeling constantly disappointed and frustrated as you fail to meet your own high standards. It also tends to increase the levels of cortisone in your blood (caused by stress) which can wreak havoc on your nervous system.
Are you a perfectionist? Signs include constantly finding fault in others, agonizing over mistakes, always needing to be right and avoiding responsibility. If so, make today the first day of your imperfect life. Do some reading, seek out a therapist—whatever it takes to start changing your self-defeating ways.
Look at it this way: Perfectionism is an impossible goal, so you’re totally wasting your time. Striving for excellence is good enough. For this lifetime anyway.
I've stop trying to impress anybody,if you gonna impress someone impress yourself,because no matter how hard you try to impress someone it never work,so take care of self first,and don't worry about the rest.
I used to have a need to clear my desk before I could leave work. I remember talking through it with someone who said 'do you think your co-workers will think you're a bad person?'
I don't know if it was what he said or the way he said, but as soon as I saw how silly I was being with this self imposed need I started to change my behavior.