Could You Be a Vegan?

Vegans have some serious willpower. They say "no, thank you" to all animal products, meaning no meat, no eggs, no dairy, no products tested on animals and nothing made from fur, leather, wool or down. We're guessing this was NOT a popular lifestyle in colonial times.
Today, vegans make these sacrifices to support a cruelty-free lifestyle, use up fewer resources than animal agriculture and lower their risk of developing certain illnesses, thanks to their low-fat, cholesterol-free, fiber-full, nutrient-rich and super-hyphenated diet. And you support all that. You’re just not ready to give up cheese. Or eggs. Or your favorite shoes.
So do the next best thing—try the middle ground. You might avoid all meat except fish (gotta love Omega-3s!), while still enjoying omelets, provided the eggs are from legitimately cage-free chickens. Or you might switch to chemical free cosmetics not tested on animals. Or wear only non-leather shoes.
By following part of the vegan philosophy, you, the animals and the environment still get some of the benefits. Which is way better than no benefits at all.
One of the things that "To Be A Vegan Or Not To Be" rarely takes into consideration is whether or not it is right physically for the individual. One of the key factors affecting this is the person's blood type. A person with Blood Type O NEEDS animal protein to stay healthy. While I'm not sure on the following two, I believe Type A is the one who best adjusts to a vegan lifestyle, and Type B does best with a small amount of animal protein.
Also, I agree with Bowney that plants are alive too, and that nature was created in a way that we are all a part of the circle of life. I also believe that eating organically, whether it be vegetable, animal, or alaskan wild salmon, is important, both to our bodies and to the environment which supports us so beautifully. The main thing is that no matter what we eat, we be grateful and bless it for the gift of nourishment, health, and energy that it brings us.
Are plants alive? Yes. Are they living? No. That's the difference. You can't be "cruel" to a plant. It has no feelings, no central nervous system, no way to understand or process emotion.
While I agree that "cruelty lies within our hearts and how we view life," I don't think this post means to say that being vegan automatically makes someone nice or not nice. But it's absolutely true that the majority of vegans do view the eating/use of animal and animal products as inhumane. Because animals can feel.
I keep getting closer and hope one day to be a vegetarian, if not a vegan. If I do it for a reason--it will be for the animals who can't defend themselves.
How is it you think some you call a vegan is cruel-free? Plants are also alive and they may not 'move about' as our animal friends but they still have their form of 'life' that also feels the harvester's knife. We just like to think they are devoid of what we anthropomorphs call 'feelings'.
Shame shame shame.
Cruelty lies within our hearts and how we view life, either sacred and wholistic or something to be used for our own human gratification.
And yes, I eat meat, not a lot of it, but I also eat plant life and both I view as part of the great circle of life on this planet, continuously enabling one generation to 'grow' into the next, hopefully understanding the ways of nature and 'life' in ways that still make us wonder, and cherish each individual form.
A 60s Biologist trying to make sense of todays world in a little more than 30 days.
PS, your columns are great, stay the course!