Work It

Kiss up to the boss? No siree. You’re not the type.
But experts agree that to be successful in your career, you have to play the office politics game. Louellen Essex, co-author of Manager's Desktop Consultant: Just-in-Time Solutions to the Top People Problems That Keep You Up at Night, suggests that you be diplomatic, respectful and build coalitions with effective people.
First, pay attention: How does your organization get things done; how do the powerful people within it operate and what are the company’s strategic initiatives? Your efforts should match these styles and goals.
Next, build a positive reputation: Develop a personal track record that shows results and don’t forget to toot your own horn.
Finally, remember what you learned in kindergarten: Treat people with respect, be friends with everyone and use good communication skills.
If you can’t play your office’s game—for example, its policies go against your morals—it might be time to move on. These are good strategies to keep in mind, whether it's your first job or your tenth. Getting along goes a long way in work and in life. Think of ways to put these things into play in whatever is going on in your life right now...there are probably lots of instances in which some diplomacy and positivity could get you to the next level!
This is a great one!!
This tip is so true! The most successful (and sometimes not so nice) are the ones who play the politics game. Unfortunately, there is really no way around it except if you move on and find the "right" company culture or launch your own business!
Being tired of dealing with corporate politics is one of the many things that inspired me to launch!