N-O Spells No

Your proverbial plate spilleth over. And yet, you continue to say yes.
How about pleasing yourself for a change?
Learning to say no is one of the most liberating skills there is. Memorize some responses that won’t come across as personal rejection and keep stress out of your life without the guilt. Faced with a request you can—and should—refuse, hold your head high and reply with some variation of the following:
I’m sorry, but I just can’t. End of story. If you must give a reason, depersonalize it—for example, "Family time is my top priority right now" or "I don’t lend money to friends."
I can’t do X, but I can do Y. Offering to do something else shows that you still care, even if you can’t meet the specific request.
I’ll think about it and get back to you. Taking some time to word your response carefully can help you feel less flustered.
Be firm and not overly apologetic. In the end, standing up for your own needs is important in living a happier and less stressful life. It doesn't mean you can't ever say yes, just that you can learn to be more discerning about when you do!
Wonderful Information!!ABSOLUTELY!!!!!