Don't Forget, Just Forgive

It’s hard to forgive someone that’s hurt you. Why should you? They don’t deserve it. But that's what forgiveness is—extending grace to someone. Grace is getting what we don't deserve, and it's hard to come by in human form.
Life coach and speaker, Gary King, likes to look at forgiveness as something you give to yourself. “Forgiveness is something you receive,” says King in his expert interview with us. “It’s an honor you give yourself, honoring your spirit and soul and the person that you are.”
And if doing it for your soul isn't enough reason, practicing forgiveness can lead to reductions in blood pressure, heart rate, symptoms of depression and anxiety, stress and chronic pain. It can also improve relationships, anger management skills and spiritual as well as psychological well-being. Today, think of someone who has insulted you, lied to you, betrayed you or just plain hurt you and forgive them. The point is not to forget or excuse the person’s action—he or she is still 100% responsible—but to try and let go of the anger and resentment you're still carrying around.
Even if you don't have the opportunity to tell them you've forgiven them, you'll notice a difference in your own spiritual life just by letting go of the past.
Wow...this is so true. We have to learn to let go and forgive, for our our own peace and well being. That is GRACE...we have to practice forgiveness and grace if we hope to receive it.
Pope John Paul II wrote a beautiful little book about forgiveness. The title is Forgiveness--Thoughts for a New Millenium.
They always say it is harder to forgive ourselves than for God to forgive us. I guess we should think if He can, I can too. It's theraputic to the soul.
I learned to forgive, best thing I ever did for MYSELF.