Outrun the Fashion Police

All you do is give, give, give. Sure, it's great to be altruistic and all, but ...
Oh, right, it’s the holiday season.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t spend at least some of your time off on numero uno. Now’s your chance to develop that signature look you’ve been dreaming about for a fresh fashion start in 2009.
To get going, browse through your favorite magazines, catalogs or clothing web sites and rip out or print pictures of the look you’re after. Don’t overanalyze—just go with first impressions.
Pictures in hand, weed through your closet and get rid of anything that doesn’t fit your new look. If all you've got left is one pair of pants and a sweater, hang on to a few basics (little black dress, trench coat, white button down) that will see you through until you can get some new items.
Now for the fun part: Put outfits together using what you have, then hit the stores or web sites for accessories and pieces to complete each look. Think it can't be done? We once had an editor who only had about ten items in black, white and gold that she mixed and matched. And she always looked impeccable, because she knew what worked for her, didn't try too hard, and wasn't afraid to wear something again or in a new way.
Just try it! The fashion police will never recognize you. Best of all, you'll have pulled together a style that makes you feel more confident every single day.
I buy myself one nice present every year around this time. At least I know what I want :)