Out of Darkness, Light

It’s the first day of winter—the winter solstice. Kind of makes you glad you don’t live in Barrow, Alaska, doesn’t it? Imagine dealing with darkness 24/7 for two straight months!
Wait, do they even have computers up there?
Alright, Alaska’s taken enough heat this year. But seriously, those folks are tough. It’s hard enough dealing with the shortened days we have in our part of the world...we’re down to about 9 or 10 hours of daylight depending on where you live in the U.S.
But look on the bright side: It’s darkest before dawn. Starting now, our days are only going to get longer. The worst is behind us.
If you happen to be in a particularly dark or challenging time in your life, use this darkest time in nature to anticipate your dawn. Wrap yourself in winter tonight, knowing that spring and light are just around the corner. Things can only get better from here. Believing it is half the battle in making change easier.
You will never know how much this article has helped me.
Profound. Thank you--