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Oh, Snap!

Remember that family vacation at the lake? What about that trip to Vegas? (Actually, that one you should probably forget.) So many events, so many photos—in fact, too many photos to possibly keep track of!

Digital cameras have made recording the good times easier, and now digital photo storage is just as simple. Web sites like Flickr, Photobucket  and Snapfish allow users to upload images directly from a digital camera or computer into a free account (each site also has advanced features available for a $25 yearly subscription fee). Once you’ve set up your account, you can organize images into groups or sets so you’ll always have easy access to those shots from your son’s baseball game or your 30th birthday party. You can also create slideshows, photo albums and print images.

So go ahead, take 300 pictures at that dance recital! There will be a place for them when you get home.

Posted: 2/28/08
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