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Walk It Off...

Another knock-down, drag-out battle with that certain someone. The insults are flying. Well, I never! You’re so mad you could just… just… well, you could just walk out that door.

So do it. And then keep going—for at least 15 minutes. That urge to storm out the door is trying to tell you something—that you need to CALM DOWN ALREADY and walking can help you do just that.

Researchers at the University of Southern California found that 15 minutes of walking brings more relief from anxiety and tension than a mild tranquilizer. Walking can also relieve stress, improve your mood and contribute to better overall health. Once a day or whenever you feel tension building, take a stroll around the block, to the park or even around your office. It’s a great way to get some fresh air and clear your head.

Posted: 4/4/08
4/5/08 Next Tip»

I believe I will start doing this. Lord knows I need something these days.