Let It Go

What do you think life would be like if you just let it happen as opposed to trying to control it?
What if you could find a way to add meaning to your life?
How can you find inspiration and purpose?
These are probably questions that rattle around in your brain every day, and they happen to be major themes that are explored in a new movie called "Ambition to Meaning" starring Wayne Dyer, Ph.D.
Hold on a second. The "father of motivation" is now a movie star?
Well, sort of. The best-selling author of 30+ books who has told you all about living by the Tao and helped you manage Your Erroneous Zones has condensed many of his teachings over the last three decades into this feature length film, available for purchase today at AmbitiontoMeaning.com.
"This film is a great opportunity to reach a large audience of people who learn visually and who want to be entertained—to people who would otherwise not be exposed to the most important teachings on the plane,” says Dyer.” These teachings are about how we can get along and survive as a people—how we can love each other, be kind and decent, serve each other, and be compassionate. Unfortunately, there aren’t many messages like that in the popular culture."
But before you grunt and groan that buying a DVD isn't exactly an Everyday Change, we'd like to argue that watching this movie will certainly change your life. And if you take nothing else away from this movie, you should remember one point that he makes in this film. He says that sometimes, we obsess too much over what we can't control, and if we could just let life happen instead of trying to manipulate it so much, maybe things would go our way a bit more.
So today, try to take a back seat to your life. Remove any emotions from things that go wrong and appreciate what is going right. Just let go, and see how you feel. It might make a world of difference.
Thank you so much for recommending this movie! It's definitely on my must-see list! As well as some books are on my to-read list. Thanks for reminding me of such a great person.