Who Can You Trust?

Greed, scandal, violence, corruption… turn on the news these days and that’s all you hear. The same goes for magazines, newspapers and the talk around town. Sort of makes you wonder if there’s anyone out there you can trust.
Even family isn’t a sure thing. We’ve all heard (and some have experienced) the abuse of familial ties.
While things probably aren’t as bad as the media makes them seem, it never hurts to keep yourself surrounded with people you know you can trust. Make a list of the friends and family members who are always there for you—the ones who always consider your needs as much as, if not more than, their own. These are the people who will keep your secrets, help you out when your down and that you would do the same for, no questions asked.
And turn off the TV, at least at the beginning of the day.There’s no need to let all that negativity constantly encroach on your life and relationships. Just because you're bombarded with bad examples doesn't mean you won't ever find good relationships.