Have You Fallen Off the Resolution Wagon?

Yes. We know. That’s the big question, because at the end of last year, you carefully created your list of New Year’s Resolutions. And, you felt so proud of yourself, right? Then, New Year’s Day came along and you had a nice warm brunch and cup of herb tea. (Mmmm. Sounds delicious.) And, if you’re like so many of us, you postponed your first day of resolutions. Or, maybe later in the day you actually went to the club for a swim.
Then, on January 2nd, you were good. You started in on your resolutions with vigor. That’s great! It’s the way we do it here, right? Day One we slack. Day Two we get to it. So, how are you doing now on the 26th? (We’ll let you keep the answer to yourself.)
Well, at First 30 Days, we’re always here to help. If you need a little boost, a little motivation, a little kick-start to take you into February, we have just the thing for you. It’s our First 30 Days Ultimate Guide to New Year's Resolutions and is available as a free download from our home page. If you’ve seen it on our home page and haven’t clicked “Download Now,” why not go there straight from this email? (If you're a member, simply click Log In.) You’ll see how to review your previous year, learn the top 10 mistakes people make with resolutions and how to succeed with resolutions.
And, as the icing on the cake, so to speak, we’ve added Ariane’s 9 Principles of Change, because we love how helpful they are. So will you.