Actions Speak Louder Than Waiting Around

Psst—hey, you.
Whaddya mean, who, me? Yes, you. You’re the only one reading this. What are you waiting for?
All that sitting around, twiddling your thumbs—you must be waiting for something. You’re expecting the job guy, maybe, to come knocking on your door and hand you a new job? Or perhaps the relationship guy, to set up some hot dates? Hey, we’ve got it—you’re waiting for the brand-new-life guy.
Well guess what? He’s on permanent vacation.
Stop waiting around for someone else to make change happen for you. If you’re unemployed, jump online and start networking for job opportunities. If you’re single and lonely, join a dating club or get involved in activities where you’ll meet like-minded people. Do something—anything—to move closer to your goal. You don’t even need permission.
Not even from friends and family. They’re nice to have around for support, but you’re the only one who knows what’s best for you.
makes absolute sense...
sure wish these tips would include resources and info about the subject/s.