Br-r-ring! It's For You

Email this, IM that. Why don’t you just pick up the phone already?
You’re not scared are you?
These days, we send and receive so much information electronically that we’re forgetting how to communicate. Not to mention the time we waste typing back and forth when an actual conversion could wrap things up in 60 seconds. (Unless the person likes to drone on and on, in which case, email and IM are our friends.)
Conversations create personal connections, something we need more of in this impersonal day and age. They also help avoid misunderstandings. Think about it—can text and emoticons really express the subtle nuances of a conversation? How a person says something makes all the difference in the world.
Of course, the best way to connect with someone—or figure out if the person is for real—is to meet face-to-face. Body language says it all.
"Old-fashioned" communication is still the best way. It doesn't save time to text someone over and over to make plans. A simple phone call would accomplish the task more quickly and more pleasantly. I also love talking to people and receiving personal mail. What are we coming to?
I absolutely agree with this article. It has come to the point
where most of my friends e-mail me now more so than before.
I myself love the personal touch of calling and I will always call
before I e-mail. I also still love to receive handwritten letters
and cards in the mail. Call me old-fashioned but there is
nothing more beautiful like the sound of my nephews and nieces sweet voices on the other end of the line not to forget
to mention their infectious laughter.