She's a Brainiac, Brainiac...

Give your brain a workout today—no fancy learning programs or gym memberships necessary. Just make a small adjustment to what your brain expects, and it works harder automatically. Amazing!
As the saying goes, use it or lose it. Do it for your brain. Wear your watch on the opposite wrist, write with the other hand (preferably something no one else will read) or go out on a limb and do some calculator-free math.
Ooh… ahh….
You can actually feel that giant brain “muscle” flexing with even the smallest change. Like taking an unfamiliar route to the living room.
Of course, as with all workout plans, take it slow—in other words, you probably shouldn’t rearrange every drawer in the house in one weekend. Trying to relearn all that at once might just send your noggin into overload.
And then it’s back to calculators for who knows how long.
Sudoku. It's hard but if you've never tried it you might surprise yourself. Or better a board game with friends or family. I love Pictionary. My daughter is having fun these days with Apples to Apples.