Embrace Your Puniness

You’ve been drooling over those Ferragamo loafers for months. If you can’t come up with an extra $500 soon, you’ll just—…well you’ll just—….
Lately if you and your problems seem to be growing exponentially, make yourself smaller. Not by slouching or going on some crash diet. Take yourself someplace big. A change in perspective can make you and your so-called “problems” seem a lot less large.
Take a trip to Iguazu Falls in Brazil or the Grand Canyon. Visit one of the World’s Largest Balls of Twine in Darwin, Minnesota, Cawker City, Kansas or Branson, Missouri. If time or cash is an object, stand out in a giant, open field some night under the stars. As you bask in the glory of your puniness and insignificance, you may come to realize that your “worries” weren’t so important after all.
Okay, so you still love the shoes. Get over it.
Or visit with a friend that you have not visited in awhile. Maybe someone who has had a rough time of it lately. You would be surprised how much you have going for you.
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Just wanted to clarify that Iguazu Falls is shared by Argentina and Brazil.