If I Were a Wish Man...

If you had the power to make and grant one wish to change the world, what would it be? To end world hunger? Grant world peace? Stop animal or child abuse? Save the environment? Most of us have a cause we’re more passionate about than any other.
Now ask yourself, how much are you actually doing for that cause? The world’s problems are so vast that we tend to see ourselves as small and powerless in comparison. But that doesn’t mean we should just give up.
Today think of something, no matter how small, that you can do to help your favorite cause, and then do it. Make a donation, offer your time, helps to spread awareness—whatever works for you.
While it’s true that one person can’t fight these huge battles alone, if each of us does one small thing, together it adds up to something. Which is way better than nothing at all.
It sounds as though runnergirl has grown consiterbly & is getting wiser for all she's indured.I hope you know we all care runnergirl & are happy for what ever makes you a better you!
Now to lovelylady...I hear you...& go along with most everything you said.Oh &as far as the word hatred...think of closed minds evil thoughts
I would change the way the world looks at america. I don't understand the hatred. If the people could get away from their way of thinking and be open to change,to look at things from a different perspective, I guess we need to change here also.To be willing to see beyond color,wealth,or religion.