No Regrets

The pancreas is a 6-inch-long gland that secretes various enzymes and hormones. We don’t think about it much—that is, until someone we know is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, the 4th-leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. Then we sit up and listen.
But really, we were wondering what we can learn from this and other devastating illnesses. And we decided it's the most important lesson of all.
How to live.
Following his diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, Randy Pausch compiled his thoughts on living well in The Last Lecture. In it, he discusses the importance of overcoming obstacles, of enabling the dreams of others and of seizing every moment.
"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand." —Randy Pausch
What life lessons would you share with the world if you had to give a last lecture? Write them down, live by them and have no regrets.
omg! i just read one of the comments, people just dont get it! this article had nothing to do with health! i.e. eating better, not smoking, etc.
they totally missed the point!
live your best and true life. this is what they are trying to tell u. with no regrets. the quote says it all !!
I agree 100% with Randy. Things happen to people and sometimes they blame God. God doesn't cause theses things to happen to people, only satan is that cruel, but remember what Jesus said that out of every trial would come good. I believe this means whenever people die and you know how they lived their lives, especially if they were Christians, you know where they are now. No doubt, just fact. Also the good that comes from someone dieing would be others coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I know that may be
strange to some, but I thank God that wasn't what happened to me. I went through horrible times at a job, but finally God took me out of that job. I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown, but once again let me remind you that God said He wouldn't put on no more than you can bare. Now I can see how more healthy I am now, because of God's Grace. So if anyone happens to read this comment, please before it is too late, give your heart to God and let Him lead, guide, and direct your life totally. You will then see what is is to be free indeed. If you want to e-mail me feel free to do so.
Linda H. Reynolds
I would tell people not to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, or do drugs. Drink plenty of water, diet, and exercise.