Do Your Arms Hang Low?

Do your arms hang low, do they wobble to and fro?
Are your shoulders in a knot, is your back about to go?
Is your neck so stiff you’re sobbing?
Fingers tingling, aching throbbing?
Do your arms hang low?
Well, then, maybe you need to think about changing your workstation. Not by purchasing all sorts of high-priced, ergonomically designed furniture. Something as simple as changing your position can work wonders.
Ideally, your feet should be on the ground, thighs parallel to the floor. If not, get a footrest (or use a phone book) or adjust your chair height. Arms should hang comfortably at your sides, elbows bent at about 90 degrees, hands, wrists and forearms more or less parallel to the floor. The jury’s still out on wrist rests, but if you use one, make sure the heel or palm of your hand, not your wrist, rests on the support. In general, keep your wrists as straight as possible.
For more on ergonomically correct positioning, go here. And then stand up and take a break for a change. No wonder you’re all stiff.