Ask and You Shall Receive

You’re all cruising along, not knowing where you’re going, and the driver—typically male—drives by one…two…okay, that makes three service stations, without stopping to ask for directions.
Um, excuse us, but that attendant won’t know you from a hole in the wall. Who cares what you look like asking for help? (You don’t look silly, by the way.) You’re never going to see him or her again.
So much time wasted…driving around aimlessly in the dark, starving, agonizing over reports or projects, searching every aisle of the supermarket—twice—for the same, elusive item. Is it really worth going it alone, just to save face?
Not knowing what you’re doing every single minute doesn’t make you weak. It makes you human. Whether you’re driving, working, shopping or twiddling your thumbs, it’s okay—and much more efficient—to ask for help.
Meryl Starr, who has many thoughts on getting organized, advises against bringing unnecessary things into your life like confusion that can be erased easily by asking for directions.