Voices Carry

People always say, Listen to your inner voice. It has the answer. But what if your inner voice tells you you’re worthless?
That’s not the voice they’re talking about. Your inner voice is like a spiritual guide that hangs out quietly in the background. Its words of wisdom and encouragement become clearer when you stop thinking.
On the other hand, that voice in your head—the one that dares to call you worthless—is loud, obnoxious and always around. It wants you to regret the past and stress about the future, so it never stops cracking the whip, cutting you down and comparing you to everyone else.
If you want to be truly happy, make it your goal to stop listening to your negative voice. Starting today, become aware of this voice. Notice its presence, its bad attitude and the powerful influence it has on your attitude and self-esteem. Over time, the you that’s separate from this voice will start to emerge, and you’ll finally hear that positive inner voice loud and clear.