Lower Your Stress Faster

You can reduce stress, feel better about yourself and develop a new clarity of mind, all by listening to CDs. Holosync audio technology, a world-renowned, personal-growth and mind-development tool, promises all the benefits of meditation in a fraction of the time.
How exactly does something like this work? In today's Change Nation interview, founder of Holosync, Bill Harris, explains that listening to the CDs puts you in a deep state of meditation, increasing your awareness of internal processes that create good and bad feelings. “The more aware you are,” he says, “the more the stuff you’ve been doing to make yourself unhappy falls away.”
Unlike traditional meditation, which requires time and self-discipline to get results, the Holosync program is said to generate positive feelings right away. “It very quickly becomes self-reinforcing,” claims Harris. “People do not have to force themselves to do it.”
You can order a free Holosync demo CD here. To hear my entire interview with Bill Harris, click here.